Seaward Squadron Rally 2024

We are pleased to announce two rallies for 2024

Scotland and the West Country


Scottish Rally

31st May to 2nd
 June 2024


We are delighted to announce our first Seaward Squadron, Scottish Rally

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For the first time, there will be a Scottish Rally for 2024 which will allow Seaward owners in Scotland to meet up and enjoy a great weekend together, along with other owners who may travel from all parts of the UK and Channel Islands.

The rally will take place at Portavadie starting Friday 31st May, through to Sunday 2nd June 2024
and will include some local cruising to beautiful locations, for which the area is famous.

For anyone unsure about the logistics of getting their boat to Scotland, there are road transport options, for further information, please contact Steph Merry.

The event will be supported both by Seaward, and their authorised Sales & Service Centre for Scotland,
Sunbird UK Ltd, who are based at Clyde Marina, Ardrossan.


West Coast Rally

5th to 7th July 2024


We are delighted to announce the Seaward Squadron, West Country Rally 

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Based on the success of the 2003 rally in Cowes, we look forward to another great weekend next year in Falmouth, where yet again Seaward owners can catch up with old friends and of course meet new owners alike.

The rally will take place at Falmouth Haven starting Friday 5
th July through to Sunday 7th July and will include some local cruising to the beautiful locations around Falmouth. The event will be supported by Seaward.

Kind Regards
